It'll be nearly 2 years since I last took my fingers to the keyboard here on this blog. Shameful, I know.
Unfortunately back in 2016, blogging was one of many things that faded from my life. Even despite my ever growing passion for writing, the time I had just wasn't keeping up, and therefore my blog took a standstill. Never the less, I've dusted it off and added a few tweaks. Here, I now hope to push my blog further and start not only a much-loved hobby again, but perhaps it could be a potential new business, we'll see.
2 Year Update - What's Happened?
Horay, I finished my college qualification! So during my few years I held my blog active, I was studying animals at a local college, and since passing my qualification I moved on to University to study the Behaviour and Psychology of animals. I started my course in September '17, however, my heart wasn't in it and I reluctantly left. This was one of many difficult paths at the time, not knowing what path to take in terms of career. I'm currently just taking some time away from education, working in a local supermarket until I figure my next step.
I got a boyfriend!
So previously on my blog, I liked to be open with not only my thoughts when I was writing, but I liked to share my life and photos of my experiences with the whole internet. However, as most, I kept some things private. During my time blogging, I had kissed a few ugly, ugly frogs, as the saying goes. I had some not so nice experiences or relationships with people, I had some ok ones I guess? I believe everything happens for a reason, and I learnt something from all those mistakes. So, finally, I have moved on, I have found someone super, and we are happy.
I got a puppy!
As an animal lover, life is pretty lonely without a wagging tail to greet you home. So, I set out on the hunt for the cutest dog and hoped my boyfriend would fall for them too, if not, bad luck for him cause I was getting it anyway. We found a litter of pups, and we met the breeders and after a few weeks, she was ours. We named her Cara, it's Cornish for 'Loved One'. She is now 6 months old, very naughty but oh so adorable. There will plenty of blog posts to come about her, do not worry.
I moved!
Back in 2016, I was living with my mum and brother. Luckily, my nan is a generous lady. She has a small flat next to her house, like an annex. I moved into here, about 30 minutes away from my home before with my mum. I decorated it, bought my furniture and slowly made it my own home, with the advantage of not quite being a fully responsible adult just yet, as my nan was through a set of doors had I needed her for anything. And yes, she did my laundry. What else are grandparents for?
I'm travelling!
My boyfriend and I both have the travelling bug, we love to travel and once you start its addictive. We're currently saving for a few upcoming projects and ideas, and so serious travelling has taken a backburner right now. However, we haven't stopped altogether. We've been on a few spontaneous trips to local areas, a several hour road trip, give or take a few. Our latest adventure, which cost us a whopping £20, we stayed in a campsite on air b&b, in January. Yes, January. We knew it would be cold, a bit of cold never hurt me, and I loved camping. We were prepared, brought a million and one layers of different clothing, but nothing prepared us for just how cold it was. At the worst it reached -2 degrees, by the morning our tent was frosted over. The freezing cold was almost definitely worth the crunch of the grass as we took our morning walk to the outside loo, which was not as pleasant. We hope to have many trips to follow, we're even planning one in the next several months.
2 years seem a long time, but for me, it was slow moving in terms of achieving or doing anything. I haven't quite found a solid career path yet, so that work is still ongoing. In terms of everything else in my life, not a lot has changed but at the same time lots has. Lots of happy changes, and I hope many more to come soon. I'm very excited about this new chapter in life, and getting those clogs ticking in my brain and my fingers typing away.
Until next time - I shan't leave it so long this time.