Not so long ago was my best friends birthday and I set out on the hunt to get something great for her. I had heard about this hair straighter lots before, and I tell you the tempetation of buying it there and then nearly threw me off the edge, however I resisted.
I was browsing away online as you do, bargain hunting and all that! And I came across a fantastic deal I just couldn't say no, I mean could I? I dived in and made the purchase, sold. I knew it was perfect for my friend as a present and then this way I don't feel guilty about buying it, see what I did?
Anyway, when it arrived it looked so fantastic I was so desperate to try it. I rapped it up, and waited for the day. P.s she was over the moon, loved it perhaps as much as me!
I couldn't help but give it a quick try! Naturally I have pretty much perfectly straight hair however my friend does not so it was perfect. It heats up extremely fast, definitely a useful tool if you are running late but need to neaten your hair up before hand. Providing your hair is knot-free and not overly tangled it glides through very nicely and easily.
It straightens very well, I find if your hair is particularly puffy or curly it may take a few brushes over the same area to get it straight but it does not take long at all. It can handle a fair amount of hair in one brush making it easier and quicker to straighten your hair overall.
I absolutely love these straighteners I think they are fantastic and so so good if you are the type to get up late and need to rush off in a hurry- you can still get that hair on point in time!